
A key benefit of the I-Corps program is access to funds to develop a prototype and/or complete additional interviews. Funding is limited to $5,000 and is only available to teams that meet the following criteria:

  1. Clear connection to a STEM discipline
  2. Completion and documentation of 15 customer interviews. Surveys or customer interviews that occurred prior to the I-Corps@ECU program do not count
  3. Strong justification as to how the funding will be used to aid in customer discovery and/or develop a prototype
  4. Explanation as to how customer interviews directed the team’s decision to use the funds

All funding requests must include a detailed and itemized cost estimate/quote. When available, website links to the item being purchased or conference being attended should be included. Request for salary is not allowable.

Request for funding can be submitted here.

The budget form that should be attached to the submission can be downloaded here.